Regenerative Neighbourhoods and Ecovillages – Here We Come!

Synchronistic Match-Making at its finest

There are personal encounters and situations where the synchronicities feel like real magic. Nicole and Oscar’s meeting through Gaianet is one of them. Their matchmaking, it seems, was choreographed by a ‘divine hand’.

Oscar, Nicole and the Regen Tribe

Oscar had been wanting to connect with Gaianet for a long time already, but it took him quite a while to commit to one of the onboarding calls. The particular one they met on had been postponed a few times, bouncing between happening and not happening. When it eventually did happen, only the host, Nicole, Oscar and one very quiet person were on the call. It seems that this call was orchestrated in this way, to provide a wonderfully held space for Nicole and Oscar to meet, and find out that they have tons of overlaps in passion, research, and projects in the regenerative space. It was during this call that they decided to make the journey onward together.

The Theme

Both Nicole and Oscar are passionate about the same thing: Ecovillages, regenerative neighborhoods and building, growing and spreading them globally. Before meeting, they had individually been designing online platforms to match-make ecovillage builders and seekers with the resources that they need and they had been researching and compiling guides of the best practices for regenerative community building and ecovillage design.

Before the Match-Making

Nicole is a trained ecovillage designer with GEN. She recently spent four years on a travel excursion to visit and experience various ecovillages, offering education and training in planning and building ecovillages. Building and growing regenerative communities is her main passion. “But ... it was just me. I had no team around me and was overwhelmed by what needed to be done, knowing I can’t do it on my own, I need a team.”

“You can’t build community alone …!” Nicole

Who Nicole did not know then is Oscar from Regen Tribe who is deeply woven into and passionate about the regenerative neighborhood movement and active in researching, designing and growing regenerative ways of living in community.

“I knew we needed more hands on deck. At the time we were a team of 4-5 but I had energetically been calling in at least one more very passionate person.” Oscar


As Oscar and Nicole share their match-making story, the pure excitement about the fact that they had met is visceral and fills the whole space. Oscar has a huge smile on his face when he says: “And then, after a long time intending to, I get onto the Gaianet on-boarding call and meet one of my best friends and a highly complementary partner …! Different and same skills. Great match.”

On the call, we realized right away, as we each did our intro on what our passions are,
what we’re working on, etc., that we have a 1:1 match.


Both are passionate about and are working on the same things and need a team to do it with. Both share the same intentions, busy with the same research, consultants in the same field ... doing pretty much the same work already, individually. For Nicole it was simply about looking and seeing: “Oh, we don’t need to work on this separately, we can do it together!”

The Result

Nicole and Oscar saw clearly that they had some purpose together ... and, straight after the Gaianet call, continued the conversation in a private meeting. In the following weeks they spent hours on calls pouring their ideas together. After about a month Nicole moved from Oregon to Mexico where she, Oscar and other community builders now live in a house together, embodying community living and team-inspired collaboration, as their day-to-day way of life.


Oscar is animated every time he introduces Nicole to his friends and colleagues, saying "I met someone who's as excited about community as I am!"

They’ve since continued to stitch their different skills skillfully together, into a wide fabric of joined resources, research, experience and visions and now benefit from the extra energy and momentum that’s created by teaming up with the right allies:

Since we are moving forward together, more opportunities are presenting themselves. As we’re more prepared together, opportunities are coming in to build villages, land is being handed to us ... It’s quite magical, the expansion process that is happening just because we’re now working together. This collective energy that is forming between us is radiating and starts to attract more and more opportunities and further collaborators.”

Best Match-Making

Great enthusiasm and joy about their meeting and the possibilities of their work together weaves itself throughout the entire interview. Nicole and Oskar are deeply grateful to Gaianet for their match-making!

We would have never been able to connect on such a personal level
had it not been for the Gaianet call
. Nicole

This cool match-making story beautifully shows the magic and potential that is alive in Gaianet, a special space where powerful change-makers and regenerative projects and tribes meet to collaborate, inspire, fund, uplift, support and weave a new community-type civilization. It is through such powerful matchmaking that we can collectively harness and connect all skills and resources that are needed to create lasting and systemic global change.

Thank you Gaianet, for bringing us TOGETHER to grow the roots of the new earth.

And: to check out Nicole and Oscar’s projects and creations, go to and

P.S. Are you also looking to find an ideal project or person to connect with? Try the Gaianet Support Line.