Give financial support
Gaianet is created and run by volunteers, giving their time, energy and talent for this sacred mission.
How will you support?
Activate your financial support today, if:
You received value through Gaianet: inspiration, hope, knowledge, belonging, or a valuable new friend or professional relationship,
You believe a regenerative future is the only viable future for humanity,
You don’t have the possibility to contribute time and energy to the mission,
You have some financial surplus and look for meaningful contributions to the world.
Every cent is allocated directly to the mission, for example to pay for software licenses or to enable mission-critical projects.
We are one tribe, one team. Only when we all actively contribute, the network can continue to grow.
Select how you would like to contribute:
Wallet address: 39BJ9UFzEkYXV39LbnQspNBGQHC1zTZ5uw
Conscious value exchange
The use of financial capital is just one way to give energy. The New Earth needs all forms of capital: social, material, financial, living, intellectual, experiential, spiritual & cultural.
Gaianet is pioneering with new, conscious, forms of value exchange where each party is asked to consciously make up the balance on how to:
Optimize the mutual relationship
Take responsibility for maintaining a balanced value exchange
Things to consider when choosing your contribution
Which gifts (value) have you received from and through Gaianet (e.g. knowledge, inspiration, growth, connections, support)? Which value do you attribute to this
Which value would you like to receive through Gaianet? You can pay it forward, and thereby make a personal commitment to stay closely connected and make optimal use of Gaianet.
What is Gaianet’s presence in the world worth to you? How do you perceive the value that Gaianet creates for the world and the future seven generations?
If not you, then whom? We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Dive deeper into your ideal value exchange with Gaianet:
To enable a conscious trade-off for your relationship with Gaianet, use the form below (app. 5 minutes).
Why Give?
GIVE all you can, RECEIVE all you need & BECOME all you are
This is nature’s vitality code for Abundance.
Giving back and paying-it-forward, are the cornerstone of a regenerative paradigm.
When everybody gives, everybody wins. We are together paving the way for a new, abundant culture to emerge.
Take a moment to feel into your heart what it means for you to give to the movement which serves the future of Earth, humanity and our children.
Image source:
How Gaianet adds value to our lives and missions:
Through Gaianet you have the opportunity to receive infinite gifts. The ecosystem is filled with all the things money can't buy: purpose, belonging, connection, community, fun, love and much more.
With Gaianet, we are paving the way for a new human culture to emerge. The fruits of this culture include: a network of heartled professionals and leading edge projects, organizational tools & blueprints, relevant connections for your journey, community building tools, inner & outer transformation, infrastructure to connect the human mycelium network, new standards for governance, collaboration and human connection, and much more.
Now it is up to you.
The Gaianet team has unconditionally given their time, energy and resources to bring Gaianet into existence (and continues doing so). Today we ask you to contribute too, in a way that feels right for you.