Follow your inner guidance, meet Gaianet and land in the perfect place - Mania’s success story

September, Poland, Mania knows only one thing : she wants to avoid winter in her country. She is focused on following the now and the unknown. Her mind is set, the answer is a phone call away. A friend asks her if she’d be interested in joining him in Portugal for a Gathering of Tribes, she knew it was the answer she asked for so she packed her bag and left Poland at the beginning of October, with a one-way ticket.


She settled in the Eternal Forest Camp and after a few days enjoying the festival, she participated in a Gaianet workshop called The Mycelium Game in which the participants were led in a process to introduce themselves and their intentions : « What am I looking for? What do I have to offer? ».

Mania reflected on her intention to support a spiritual-based community with her inner magic and on what she had to offer : she is good with children as she used to be a teacher in a Waldorf kindergarten , she loves gardening and she is a trained-hypnotherapist.

Cards from everyone got mixed up after everyone introduced their three things to offer as a participant or as a project. The players needed to instinctively pick a card with the goal to help the person/project.

Alexander from Gaianet was the one drawn to Mania’s card and he cast his spell : « for sure I can find the right project for you. » Three other persons reached out to the adventurer : Catarina offered to guide her into the Essencia community, another woman introduced her to her community (Alma Ohana) and someone else from Ananda Valley also shared their insight.


When stars align and magic happens

Mania wanted to trust her senses and felt blockages as to write formal emails to join communities she heard about, it meant another door was there somewhere, ready to be opened. She kept on enjoying the gathering until the Closing Ceremony when the thought of where to go next knocked on the door again. Catarina approached her to offer her a lift, there was one spot left in her car.
Direction : Essencia, a calm, quiet and meditative place filled with beach days and music jams. It was beautiful but another calling arrived : « autumn was coming ». Many volunteers were leaving, glamping was becoming challenging, it was time to find a roof. Alexander appeared once more, he came for an Ecstatic Dance and called a few days later to tell her she would be welcomed at Permalab.

Mattia holds the Permalab space where people can rent a room for a few days or weeks, so they come and go, offering their time and energy when on the spot. When Mania arrived, the three permanent inhabitants and the guests were just celebrating the closure of a 7-year project with delicious food, amazing people, nice bands playing great music. She came at a time when a new vision was awaiting to be born and Mattia valued her insights : « How do you envision the place ? », they were collectively evaluating the potential of the place.

Mania volunteered there for a month and was the one to impulse the building of the unfinished clay-house. Mattia gathered friends to help and the clay-house found its final shape. She also enjoyed the activities offered at Permalab from workshops to opportunities to party (« leaving on Friday and coming back on Monday. »)

« When I have clarity, the invitation is coming. »

One of Mania’s best memory is Artistic Tuesday, a local event held in a close-by village. One day they made self-portrait, « very healing », another day she learnt how to draw someone else as a way to really see the other person.
Life in a community was not new for our explorer as she often changes places following her guidance but this experience at Permalab showed her that this way of living is « part of her nature. »

My dream of living close to the ocean came closer, it became possible. I felt it was like a gift.

More importantly, she learnt how to value herself : « Mattia was my mirror, I underwent a learning process to really value my gifts. » She was hiding her light and Mattia showed her she was a « resourceful woman. »
She also realized that to be able to be a part of a community, you need to be ready to take responsibility of your own emotions and projections. She discovered the Way of Council with Rob Dreaming and his teachings had a great impact on her.

Rest and play

Mania is now in England where she nurtures her carer gift. She plans on going back to Permalab when the timing will be right. She is excited to discover the new vision of the place and her place in the project. She is staying open to her inner guidance and to the unknown. For now, the universe is saying : « rest and play ».

She is really grateful for this experience and to Gaianet. Alexander was the one to open the doors to Essencia and Permalab. She then used the opportunities offered to learn and grow.