Join the Gaianet Team
Contribute to a meaningful cause while practicing self-organization and conscious collaboration
If you are…
A mature and independent professional, entrepreneur or freelancer
Boss over your own agenda
Aware of the imminent systems collapse and the urgent need for change
Feeling called to contribute
This is for you!
Read on to see what it means to contribute to Gaianet’s mission as a volunteering professional.
Why join the Gaianet team:
This is your opportunity to use your professional skills in service of the New Earth, and do so in close collaboration with fellow New Earth creators.
In the past years, Gaianet has been focusing on shaping and using internal collaboration structures that facilitate self-organization and co-creation among a team of autonomous leaders.
While many co-creators still work individually in silos, here’s an opportunity with a prepared structure and personal guidance to experience what teamwork can be like in the New Earth. Free, autonomous, purpose-driven, honest, transparent, and structured for flow.
This is your invitation!
What would a professional win-win(-win) for you and Gaianet lok like?
Which piece(s) of the organization and our greater collective puzzle to you feel inspired to steward?
Will you co-create the more beautiful world we know in our hearts is possible?
Take the next step in your professional development:
The Self-Organization Apprenticeship is a 6-month guided learning period for professionals who aspire to join the Gaianet organization’s core team.
Gaianet has shaped a highly professional environment for volunteering professionals.
Contribute to the paradigm shift whilst experiencing a new professional reality.
Experience next-level teamwork structures which leave no more room for unproductive meetings, immature colleagues, power games, time-wasting bs, power hungry clients and managers, etc.
Some key elements:
A highly professional work environment for volunteers
Time- and location flexible
Together in service of purpose
Clear structures and agreements
No bosses
Autonomous role fillers
A truly meaningful professional contribution
What Gaianet asks from you:
Consistently 8 to 12 hours (or more) available weekly, for a minimum of 6 months*
Well-developed professional skills
The ability to work independently, and being a reliable colleague for your team mates
Being a role filler in the Gaianet organization may be one of the most interesting, exciting, rewarding career moves you have made in a long time.
* Want to contribute but commit less time? Scroll down to the FAQ section for “supporting contributorship”
A General Operations Circle meeting
What you can expect:
Inside Gaianet, we are pioneering a self-organizing collaboration method: a purpose-driven way to work together with every contributor maintaining his/her own sovereignty and nobody being a “boss” over somebody else. Inspired by holacracy, we organized ourselves in circles, where every role filler is an autonomous leader, free to act, while committed to staying aligned with the team and the wider organization.
Gaianet’s full Operating System - our unique collaboration method - is documented and available open source for free on this page.
The process - how to join the organization as a volunteering professional:
Apply through the form offered on this page
Application process: first interview, self study, references, personal manifesto, in-depth interviews
Onboarding process: role assignment, introduction to mentor, team, and receive system accesses
6-month apprenticeship: practice self-organization by doing, energize one or more roles with the guidance of a mentor, initiate and manage your own project(s), participate in the circle meetings, do your magic!
Evaluation and next steps: receive endorsement as “New Earth professional”, stay on board as core contributor, expand your self-organization and/or facilitation skills.
This is a 6-month guided “learn by doing” development journey where you learn to work in a self-organized environment, with the guidance of a mentor, whilst energizing one or more Gaianet roles. After 6 months, we hope you have fallen in love with the organization, the people, and the mission, and that you’ll stick around for a long time.
What makes the Gaianet organization unique?
“Love in action”: we continuously aim to embody the Universal laws of nature in the way we organize, communicate and co-create
Personal growth opportunities: working self-organized has shown to be one of the greatest drivers in improving our communication, openness, ability to not take things personal, meaning and fulfillment
Practice self-organization: a unique opportunity to develop as an independent professional
Guided apprenticeship: clear structures, an operating system, and a personal mentor help you ground
In the “eye of the New Earth storm”: shaping a network of networks, Gaianet has a 360-degree view on the emergence of a New Earth, and meaningful relationships with many highly innovative, magical pioneering projects.
NOTE: If you are not sure what type of engagement to apply for, submit an open application. Clearly explain what you have in mind, and our Recruiters help discover the right way to get involved.
The Gaianet org chart: not a power-driven pyramid, but purpose-driven circles.
Q: What if I want to contribute, but do not have 8 to 12 hours per week available?
A: In this case, please apply to join as a “supporting contributor”. This means you are available on a on-demand basis, where core contributors and apprentices can ask your support for specific projects, tasks and deliverables. You decide which assignments to take on, and within which timeframe you will complete them.
NOTE: If you are not sure what type of engagement to apply for, you can submit an open application. Clearly explain what you have in mind, and our Recruiters help discover the right way to get involved.
Q: What do I commit to / what is expected of me as a role filler?
A: The Gaianet organization’s Operating System / Playbook describes the work agreements and constitution we all submit to. You can read the full OS Playbook on this page.
In short, all role fillers (= apprentices and core contributors) are expected to:
Consistently show up for circle meetings
Consistently support their team members’ requests
Adhere to the working agreements
Do as they say
Consistently voice tensions and needs
Practice active listening
Take nothing personally
Distinguish between the role and the soul
Serve the organizational purpose (not use the organization to serve a personal purpose)
Q: What criteria does Gaianet use to evaluate apprenticeship applications?
A: To function well and thrive in the organization, it is required that you are:
New Earth aware: unity conscious and a deep understanding of the interdependence of human and ecological systems, as well as deep awareness of the imminent systemic collapse humanity is facing. This awareness drives a sense of purpose and urgency, aligning efforts with Gaianet's vision of a regenerative future.
Committed: unwavering dedication to the goals and objectives of Gaianet. It involves consistently allocating time and energy to fulfil responsibilities within the organization, even when tasks may seem mundane or challenging, and serving the organizational purpose over personal purpose. This quality is the backbone of Gaianet's success as it ensures the reliability and continuity of the organization's operations.
Open and growth-minded: receptiveness to new ideas, adaptable to change, and committed to personal and collective development. Open to diverse perspectives, willing to collaborate, and demonstrate a curiosity to continuously expand knowledge and skills. This quality fosters an environment of alignment, innovation and adaptability within Gaianet.
Professional maturity: the ability to self-initiate, effectively manage time, oversee complex projects, define scope and milestones, deliver on deadlines, maintain transparency, and directly resolve tensions with other roles in the organization. Being a reliable team mate who consistently does what he/she says. This skill is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and achieving organizational goals.
Emotional maturity and Self Awareness: knowing one’s own needs, preferences, strengths and blind spots. The ability to effectively give and receive feedback, differentiate between governance, work, personal, and relational tensions, address triggers and tensions, and engage in emotional, therapeutic, and spiritual work. This skill is vital for maintaining healthy relationships, fostering personal growth, and contributing positively to the organization.
Q: What roles are currently open?
A: In self-organization, roles are continuously added, changed, deleted through governance procedures, based on felt tensions in the here-and-now. The following iframe gives you a window into Nestr, our collaboration tool, to view the currently active circles and roles.
Click on a Role to see its purpose and accountability. Click on “General Operations Circle” to expand this circle. You can read the purpose of each circle at the top of the page.
The Roles with the label ‘VACANT’ are available for new role fillers (Apprentices). Click on “General Operations Circle for additional vacant roles inside that circle.
For a full screen version of this organization overview, click here.
Q: How frequently do the Gaianet contributors have meetings?
A: This depends per circle and role, but recurring circle meetings do usually not take place more often than once per week. You may be invited to additional specific topic meetings (STMs) when your focused input is requested by a fellow circle members.
For your further information, the recurring circle meetings shown below are the engine of the organization and ensure that the team’s collective mind is strategically aimed at the right questions at the right time:
Tactical meetings
Governance meetings
Feedback/Mirroring sessions
Resonance meetings
Biannual zoomouts
Celebration rituals
Supporting contributors who only help out on-demand with project-based tasks are not in these meetings and instead have direct contact with a core circle member who is present at meetings consistently.
Finally, please note that Gaianet meetings are not like the meetings you are used to. Gaianet creates “soul space” where we can speak form the heart and truly be heard. Our purpose for meetings is to relieve tensions, which means the meetings are typically relaxing and empowering. Gaians usually report feeling more energized after meeting, compared to before.
Q: What do I learn by collaborating with other Gaians?
A: Transform yourself while transforming the world. Whole people make whole systems, so volunteering at Gaianet combines professional effectiveness with personal development in a hands-on, holistic way.
At Gaianet we practice heart-conscious collaboration. This includes practicing organizational habits such as:
Speaking from the heart
Deep listening
Clearly voicing tensions and needs (radical honesty)
Taking nothing personally
Making no assumptions
Proposal-based thinking
Consent-based decision-making
Think of this experience as an “MBA in self-organization”. We found that it takes about one year to “wash off” non-helpful ideas and beliefs you learned in the corporate world or business world. Then, it takes one more year to become “fluent” as a sovereign professional.
Imagine the pleasure of co-creating with other conscious professionals. We become who we surround ourselves with, and collaborating with Gaians has shown to be a powerful gateway to professional development and even personal transformation.
Q: Which additional benefits do I get as a Gaianet contributor?
A: You get to practice sovereign professionalism and heart-conscious collaboration. You will experience a new level of teamwork, communication and co-creation. All of this while contributing to one of the most meaningful love-driven human organisms, supporting regeneration of our planet and our species.
We define the richness of Gaianet as “all the things money can’t buy”. Professional growth, personal transformation, love, belonging, the feeling of contributing truly meaningfully, the feeling of inspiration by the people and projects you meet, continuously gaining new insights, wisdom and progress.
Financial compensation is not yet available for Gaianet’s core team members. Currently, we are all volunteering our time and energy in service of the greater mission, while ensuring our income via different routes.
Q: Who can explain me more about the apprenticeship?
A: To save our contributors’ precious time, please start by watching the following 35-minute video. It dates from a while back and the program has been improved significantly in the meantime, but it will give you a good idea of the general vibe and tribe!
NOTE: If you are not sure what type of engagement to apply for, you can submit an open application. Clearly explain what you have in mind, and our Recruiters help discover the right way to get involved.