Gaianet Community - Growing the roots of a New Earth

Uniting New Earth pioneers in co-creation

Gaianet interconnects New Earth projects, professionals, thought leaders, elders and investors.

Use Gaianet to find the regenerative projects, places, products, knowledge and tools you need.

Connect with 1300+ value-aligned organizations and 570+ trusted members in 65+ countries.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for
— Hopi proverb

What is a New Earth?

The New Earth is a concept that represents a transformative vision for the future of our planet and humanity. It is clear that humanity needs a global paradigm shift away from the current extractive systems, towards planetary consciousness and socio-economic solutions that nurture the health, wealth, and vitality of all life on Earth.

In the New Earth, humanity has transcended the veil of separation and recognized itself as an integral part of the living body of Gaia, our Earth. This recognition fosters a deep sense of unity, harmony, and mutual care among all beings, leading to a thriving, abundant, and joyful society.

Over the past 4.5 years, Gaianet has collaborated with dozens of organizations to work out a deeper understanding of the New Earth’s principles, what it means to embody the value of regeneration, and what is needed for the movement to grow and interconnect.


Why Gaianet?

Gaianet’s purpose is uniting the builders of a New Earth in co-creation.

Humanity’s greatest collective challenge lies in the coordination and collaboration of the planetary consciousness movement. To support this process, Gaianet has thus far developed:

  1. 7 New Earth principles and a self-assessment for projects who aspire to embody the regenerative mindset.

  2. An open-source database and map of regenerative organizations and professionals

  3. A trusted network membership (invite-only and onboarding process) which includes a detailed member database, community platform, online gatherings, need fulfillment mechanisms, project showcases, and updates from the field.

  4. Co-creation facilitation services for teams and coalitions of project leaders to collaborate on shared challenges.

  5. An open source blueprint for self-organization (the Gaianet Operating System / Playbook).

  6. A 6-month self-organization apprenticeship to onboard aligned changemakers into Gaianet’s core team and practice on-the-job how to collaborate in a new paradigm way.

  7. A public newsletter for everyone who wants to stay connected and be informed about the New Earth emergence.


Are you here to help humanity shift?

> From exhaustive systems to regenerative ones

> From profit to purpose

> From competition to collaboration

> From individualism to community

> From scarcity to abundance

Welcome home! Now, let’s co-create.

I love the people! The feeling of coming home. Wow.
— Network Member David Smith, founder of

Our Trusted Partners


Ubuntu as basis for personal and professional growth


Our philosophy

The Gaianet community is grounded in the African philosophy of Ubuntu, which emphasizes our togetherness and connection, in contrast with harsh, ego-centric individualism that divides and degrades.

In shaping the New Earth, we must start with ourselves.
Our egos, dogmas, false principles and values must be acknowledged. Once we shed old layers and discover
our true essence, ‘I AM’, we can contribute meaningfully
to the ‘WE ARE’.


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